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The reconstruction era

was certainly a failure in improving the status quo of African Americans. The Reconstruction was only successful in passing laws that protected and improved their lives. The 13th, 14th, and 15th amendments allowed African Americans the freedom to own land, be able to participate in voting, and have full civil rights. The Reconstruction was successful at establishing public school systems for all citizens and Black Citizens were able to build themselves schools, churches, and businesses. Plus, African Americans were now qualified to run for office positions in the congress. Hiram Rhodes Revels was elected into Congress in 1870 and was the first Black citizen to do so. Although these laws stated that all was equal, regardless of sex, gender, color, equalitiy for all was not a common social ideology during the time. Many White Citizens during that time period had racist attitudes towards the African community, including all other colored communities, and viewed them inferior to themselves. Many White Citizens, especially those who fought against Lincoln's party, were not used to seeing Black citizens owning property and exercising their political power, many viewing this as immoral. Due to the Radical Republican’s reluctant attitudes toward equality, this led to the rise of the Ku Klux Klan, Black Codes, and Jim Crow Laws. The Ku Klux Klan targeted black schools and churches using barbaric methods such as lynching, hanging, killing, abuse, and robbery. The Black Codes and Jim Crow Laws oppressed Black Citizens in the South and helped maintain white supremacy. In addition, sharecropping in the South almost replicated the lives of slaves before the civil war. Many white landowners longed for the revival of a labor system; landowners would sell a small portion of their land to African Americans in exchange for a portion of their crops, which is basically like the slavery system. The Reconstruction proved successful in bringing together Confederate States back into the Union. Although laws were enacted to improve the lives of African Americans, the laws were not enforced in many states of America and society disapproved of these laws. Eventually when the equality of Black Citizens became a social norm in the public eye, change started to occur.

The WHO was founded in 1948.